Bird Bathing

A red-capped Robin-chat, a vervet monkey and a Purple-crested Turaco visit the birdbaths. Then later:

More vervets, Red-eyed Dove, Dark-capped Bulbul and Black-bellied Glossy Starlings. And then no birds, but a nice shadow:


– some more recent visitors – Red-eyed Dove, Laughing Dove in the tree, Red-backed Mannikins and Olive Sunbird –
– Brown-hooded Kingfisher, PC Turaco, Olive Thrush, Black Flycatcher, Black-bellied Starlings, Red-capped Robin Chat –


1 Comment

  1. says:

    Thanks for this Koos. Breaks my heart to see the faces and some are gone and others half gone!!
    Realizing life is about people and friendships that create lasting stories and impressions.
    Regards – JP
    Happyness comes from within!

    Liked by 2 people

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