Jess Cooks a Curry

Petrea said to Jess, Cook a curry for your Dad. Jess said, ‘I’ve never done that before.’ Don’ worry, says Petrea and delivers a box. Leaves it at the gate.

All you have to buy is chicken, Jess. On the day, Jess marches into my office, ‘Dad! There’s no recipe!’ Petrea says read the back of the spices. Oh.

It was delicious! Tom specially came in and gave his sis a big hug and kiss and said ‘Jess! Best curry ever!’


Montclair Sunset

Leaving work today I stepped out of the lift onto the roof and was greeted by this:

Montclair sunset (3)

Then I got home and things got better! There was Tom in the kitchen making this delicious curry (Cecelia has ‘flu):


– and me drinking Sheila’s wine like this:


– and Jess gave me a back massage like this: 🙂

Life is good!